Women love to shop and the one thing they cannot do without is a handbag. A woman’s world lies in her handbag. A handbag has makeup items, money, a mobile, perfume, and everything a woman needs. So, the handbag is what women definitely shop for. But not any ordinary handbag. Women crave creativity in everything they see. That is why they look for unique handbags made of different materials like jute, hemp, leather, etc.
What are the different materials used for making handbags?
Different materials can be used for making handbags depending on their cost, durability, ease of printing and fabrication, and weather-resistant properties.
Cotton handbags are really cost-effective and convenient options for making handbags. Cotton is cheap and easy to stitch and print. It is an eco-friendly crop whose fibers are biodegradable. Cotton material is washable and dries easily. It requires very little maintenance.
Cotton handbags can be printed in a variety of prints like ikat, jamdani, kalamkari, pochampalli, batik, paithani, kathiawadi, and kutch prints. cotton handbags have a lot of appeal among ladies due to their versatility in printing and design. the only drawback with cotton handbags is that they can tear quickly and so get worn out easily.
Canvas or hemp
Canvas is a heavy fabric made from the hemp plant. Nowadays, the canvas is made from cotton mixed with PVC. The word “canvas” has a thick and sturdy weave in different styles- plain weave, basket weave, duck weave, etc.
Canvas handbags are durable, long-lasting, and printable. Yet they are bulky and do not drape easily as they are stiff and rigid. The manufacturing process is also not eco-friendly as it involves chemicals
Among all the materials used the jute handbags for ladies are the best. Jute is an eco-friendly plant fiber that helps to save the environment. It absorbs the toxic carbon dioxide that we exhale and releases oxygen. It grows easily and can be easily used to fabricate handbags and tote bags.
Jute handbags are washable, durable, and printable. They are weather-resistant as they do not fade in the sun or rain. They are waterproof as they prevent moisture from getting into the contents of the bag. Jute handbags are thick yet pliable. As they are made from plant fiber, they are biodegradable.
Women prefer jute handbags for their natural look and eco-friendly feel. Jute handbags come in a wide variety and can be customized to suit your taste if you find the right supplier.
Why jute handbags are the best?
Jute handbags are the best as they have a lot of versatile designs. They can be printed, embroidered, crocheted, quilted, and even die-cut. Jute handbags can be made of jute twine or even coiled jute rope.
Artistic weaves can create appealing designs in jute handbags. Jute handbags come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. They can be embossed and stitched with patchwork. Jute handbags promote the killing of artisans and weavers.
Jute handbags are economical. They can be reused as they are washable and dry easily in the sun. They do not tear easily and hence last long, even for generations. Always buy jute handbags from reliable suppliers to get the best quality for your price.
Jute handbags are ideal for brand promotion as they can carry your brand logo boldly on their wide surface. They are easy to print and economical when printed in bulk. They can be customized to suit your taste.